
Cosmetic bonding is a dental procedure that involves applying a custom shaded composite material to your natural tooth color. The material can be used to address a range of common concerns including spaces between teeth, adding length, changing tooth shape and replacing missing or chipped tooth structure. 

Cosmetic Bonding

Porcelain veneers are another option to improve the look of stained, discolored, cracked and even slightly misaligned teeth. They are constructed of a thin layer of porcelain providing a natural appearance and the ability to improve your smile.

Porcelain Veneers

Clear braces straighten teeth using a series of clear, custom-made removable aligners to gradually move teeth a little at a time, eventually correcting the position of the teeth to give you a more desired aesthetic smile and function. The aligners do not hinder eating or interfere with good oral hygiene.

Clear Correct Orthodontics

Zoom whitening is a method used to immediately whiten your teeth. It is an in-office procedure that whitens teeth up to several shades. Teeth are susceptible to stain with everyday uses of staining property foods, beverages and tobacco use. ZOOM will help eliminate stubborn stain accumulation.

Zoom in office whitening

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