Dental crowns or caps are a type of covering for your natural teeth. This covering improves the appearance and function of the compromised tooth, improving its shape, color, and size. You may need a crown if you have a cavity that is too large to receive a filling, if your tooth is cracked, if you undergo a root canal, or if you merely want to improve the aesthetic appearance of a tooth.
Composite fillings, also known as tooth-colored fillings, are dental restorations with the benefit of restoring damaged and missing tooth structure. Another advantage is the restoration adds strength and seals the tooth.
A dental bridge offers patients with missing teeth an effective and trusted treatment option.
A dental bridge fills the "space" of one or more missing teeth. The bridge will be made to match the color and shape of your natural teeth providing an aesthetic value in addition to function. A dental bridge is fixed and not removable.
Dental implants are the state-of-the-art procedure to replace missing teeth and to restore bite function and complete a smile. One or more teeth can be restored with implants. Dental implants are surgically placed in your jawbone, where they serve as the roots of the missing teeth. There will be a final crown restoration after the healing of the implant.
Partial dentures differ from complete dentures as they are used to replace one or more missing teeth rather than an entire dental arch. Unlike dental bridges, traditional partials and dentures are removable. Partials consist of artificial teeth attached to a flexible composite resin base that is supported by adiacent teeth. Both partials and dentures help fill out the appearance of your face and help with the function of chewing your food.
Full mouth rehabilitation is a comprehensive treatment plan that may combine several restorative dental procedures. Each of these procedures serves to restore dental function and aesthetics for patients who may be suffering from multiple oral health issues and concerns. Depending on your individual needs and goals, your treatment plan may include multiple combinations of procedures such as fillings, crowns, bridges and dental implants.